The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, in partnership with Kyoto City, has announced a two-day study tour for diplomatic corps stationed in Japan, scheduled for October 30 and 31, 2024. This annual initiative, ongoing since 2010, aims to showcase the diverse attractions of Japan’s regional areas to foreign diplomats.
Under the theme “Tour exploring the charms of Kyoto’s industry, history, and culture,” the program will offer participants a comprehensive look at Kyoto’s multifaceted appeal. The itinerary includes visits to key industrial and academic sites such as Omron Communication Plaza, Nabel Co., Ltd., and the Kyoto Research Park, where diplomats will have the opportunity to interact with startup companies.
Cultural highlights of the tour include stops at the Kyoto State Guest House and the Kyoto Museum of Crafts and Design, providing insights into the city’s rich history and artistic traditions. The tour will also feature a visit to the Shimadzu Foundation Memorial Museum and the CiRA Foundation, showcasing Kyoto’s contributions to scientific research and innovation.
This study tour is expected to deepen the diplomatic corps’ understanding of Kyoto’s diverse attractions and foster increased exchanges between the participating countries and the city. Through this initiative, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs continues its efforts to promote Japan’s regional areas on the international stage.